Bidisha's Corner

Saturday 29 November 2014

Kaadha / Qada / Kwaad (in bangla)

Kadha is a homemade remedy to recover respiratory problems like cough, cold, shivering or fever.
It is made of simple kitchen friendly items.


Water (3 cups).
Bay leaves (3-4).
Ginger finely chopped (1 TBs).
Misri / Sugar candy (2 cm cube).
Basil / Tulsi leaves (8-10).
Black pepper (half fistful).
Cloves (6-8).

In a tea pan add all the above ingredients and allow them to boil, till the colour of water changes to black in colour.
Serve it by straining with strainer, it should be consumed half of tea cup in regular intervals.
Water should be avoided after consuming kadha.
Kadha shouldn't be consumed more at-a-time, it may heat up body inner temperature, which is not advisable.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    Gave me an instant relief. Thanks for posting. I desperately needed some tasty medicine for my cold/sore throat. :)
