Bidisha's Corner

Saturday 20 December 2014

Sarson Ka Saag / Mustard Leaves Curry

Its a typical recipe, mostly famous in Punjab. Tender Mustard leaves are mashed then cooked.

Sarson ka saag / Mustard leaves

Salt to taste. Sugar a pinch of.
Chopped onions(1).
Chopped garlic.(2-3 pods).
Green chilies (3-4).
Oil for cooking. Butter (2 TBs).
Tamarind (1/2 tsp).

Neatly wash the leaves and grind them to paste.
Heat oil in a pan and saute onions and garlic to golden brown , add grinded leaves, salt, chilies and cook till all ingredients are cooked well and oil leaves the walls of pan, add tamarind paste, pinch of sugar and butter and saute and off the flame.

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