Bidisha's Corner

Monday 28 July 2014

How to Set Curd


Milk (500 ml).
Curd (1 Tsp).

Heat milk, do not over heat, the temperature must be little more than luke warm, check by inserting a finger into it. In a porcelain vessel add the curd and whisk it properly, curd should be beaten well, then light warm milk is added to it and mixed up well so that whole milk mixes with curd and now the vessel has to be kept untouched, better to prepare it at night before sleeping and by morning you will find your curd is beautifully set. Once curd is set take about 1Tsp of it in another bowl for next preparation of curd.
Curd contains lactic acid it helps the milk to turn to curd.

While heating the milk add sugar or milkmade to it, it helps the curd to turn sweeter.

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